Cosmos, scientifically known as Cosmos bipinnatus, is a charming annual flower admired for its delicate appearance and abundant blooms. It flourishes in sunny conditions and well-drained soil, typically thriving in the summer and fall seasons. Cosmos adds beauty to gardens, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. Its versatility in borders, beds, and cutting gardens makes it a beloved choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.
Showing all 9 results
Cosmos Lemon Carpet Seeds 40 seeds
₨ 100 -
Double Click Mix Cosmos Seed
₨ 100 -
Cosmos Seed Sea Shells Mixed
₨ 100 -
Cosmos Seed Double Click Cranberries
₨ 200 -
Cosmos Seed Double Click Bicolor Pink
₨ 200 -
Sensation Mix Cosmos Seed
₨ 100 -
Cosmos Mixed 30 seeds
₨ 100 -
Cosmos Dipinnatus Dwarf Sensation Early Mix
₨ 60 -
Garden Cosmos Mixed Annual.
₨ 75